

I was just looking around the web and found the weirdest, grossest thing ever. This ladies is a fake hymen. You place it inside of you and it expands to make you feel :ahem: tighter to your man. Then with penetration from your man a little bit of fake blood comes out. Thanks to people in Japan you can now trick any man into thinking that you are a virgin. I personally would never use this but I know someone out there would!


PORCHE ` said...

yeaaah, i heard of these a long time ago. that's pretty gross lol..

Anonymous said...

who even thinks of these kinds of things lol i saw this too on some website with a bunch of other crazy things

&& love, briit said...

ewww. lls. a fake virgin ussy? who wuda thought...that's funny

Lizzy said...


That is so wrong on so many levels.

Gennny_fromtheblock said...

that shits crazy

Shaynna memoirs of a doll said...

awwww, this had to be fundin by the help hoes foundation lolz [HHD]

JuJu said...

ooo hell nah.

S.P. said...

I've seen some craziest shit online, and this just about tops it!

Monique Famous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monique Famous said...

That's mad creepy.

achoiceofweapons said...

My Lady Love, My Lady
How do ye decieve me let me count the wayz, fake virginity, concealing real liez, mouth speak true love, dead soul behind those eyes,
How do ye decieve me, let me count the wayz, from the STD, maybe a permanent case of herpes or maybe when both test postitive for aids!

Super Evil, unneccessary and EWWWW!
Mista Jaycee the Poet

cake ♥ said...

omg ewwww

Ashley Outrageous said...

thats just sick smhh. yuck


Thats ........new. LMAO.

Everybodies saying eww but i personally think thats hot. I would NEVER use it because i cringe at the thought of tampons and i dont like sticking things in me. But i think thats hot (lmao) them Japanese people are the best!!