
Oh, Sh*t list: Kweenz Destroy

Right Now I'm bursting with joy over this collection. It is more amazing than I could ever imagine. Not only is every piece on my wish list, but the lookbook makes me drool even more. But what else should I have expected when you put all my favorite people together. Pure MAGIC! Indie definitly put alot of work not only into the collection but the entire launch of the Kweenz Destory brand, so it's only right we applaud her and her beautiful unique talents. Go Girl!

Don't forget...
to head to KweenzDestroy.net
Check out our past interview with Indie

1 comment:

killuh™ said...

so i loooove the look book as well; its amazing, esp that fafi tank :]

but i was on their site and is it under construction? cause i cant get to their blog or the STORE section..cause i def plan to HEAVILY invest in them lol..

i would go a little broke for this collection :]